Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
C/C++ Source or Header
427 lines
/* */
/* 3D-Rotaion Routines */
/* */
/* CrEatOr: LarZ SamuelssoN (C) AD: 1993 */
/* */
/* Version 0.04: Removed all comments. Read 'em in earlier versions. */
/* This is probably as close to the asm-version we'll get */
/* on without using any asm-code... */
/* public What I have done is to move as much as possible into the */
/* demand main loop... Function calls cost valuable time... */
/* And as asm won't even get close to floating-point */
/* numbers so I converted all routines to integer math. */
/* This is the last production from me before the summer */
/* holidays. But look out for stuff on the Amiga from me */
/* this summer. */
/* I'll be back in the Unix-World with new ideas this */
/* autumn though.... C Ya */
/* */
/* LAteRZ: Decided to add some comments after all :) */
/* */
/* COPYRIGHT Vector0.01 - 0.04.c are SpreadWare */
/* NOTICE If you like 'em, spread 'em */
/* */
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CORNERS 8 /* Number of Corners in the object (Cube) */
#define DIM 3 /* Number of Coordinates */
#define PTS 4 /* Number of Points to contain a Surface */
#define LSIZE 512 /* Number of entrys in the Sine-Table */
#define RSIZE 29000 /* Number of entrys in the Division-Table */
#define fe 13 /* Number of shifts (float ~> int) */
#define fak 8192 /* 2^fe */
void Cls( void );
void Init( void );
void Exit( void );
void WinInit( int, int, unsigned, unsigned );
void SetCol( char * );
void ClearArea( unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned, unsigned );
void DrawSolid( short, short, short, short,
short, short, short, short,
unsigned short, unsigned short );
Display *dpy;
XPoint mypoints[ PTS ];
XColor xcolour;
GC gc;
XGCValues xgcvalues;
XSetWindowAttributes xsetwattrs;
Window win;
int scrn, pixel;
int main (void)
/* loop variable */
unsigned short i;
/* center of rotation */
/* if you are using WinInit( ) these should be x = y ~= scale */
unsigned short x = 600;
unsigned short y = 400;
/* initial angles for the object ( rem: 2pi = 511 ) */
/* sine-counters */
unsigned short wx = 0;
unsigned short wy = 0;
unsigned short wz = 0;
/* cosine-counters */
unsigned short vx = wx + LSIZE/4;
unsigned short vy = wy + LSIZE/4;
unsigned short vz = wz + LSIZE/4;
/* rotation velocity around the different axises */
unsigned short sx = 1;
unsigned short sy = 2;
unsigned short sz = 1;
/* perspective depth */
int depth = 5;
int depte = depth * fak;
/* enlargement in pixels ( gives sidelenght of cube = 300 pixels ) */
int scale = 150;
/* base vectors ( the three unit-vectors in the euclidian space ) */
int e1[ DIM ];
int e2[ DIM ];
int e3[ DIM ];
/* holds an int temporarily */
int temp;
/* cube[][] holds the position of the cube's corners */
/* v[][] is cube[][] with perspective */
int cube[ CORNERS ][ DIM ];
int v[ CORNERS ][ DIM ];
/* num is used in the hidden-plane-removal part to check */
/* whether a side should be drawn or not */
int num = fak / depth;
/* for use in ClearArea( ) */
unsigned a = 2*scale;
unsigned b = 2*a;
/* sine-table and division-table ( see COMMENTS ) */
int sinT[ LSIZE ];
int divT[ RSIZE ];
/* creating the precalculated tables */
for ( i=0; i < LSIZE; i++ )
sinT[i] = fak * sin( 6.28 / LSIZE * i );
for ( i=0; i < RSIZE; i++ )
divT[i] = fak * depte / ( depte - RSIZE/2 + i );
Init( );
/* if you want the cube in a window uncomment the following line */
/* WinInit( x, y, a, b ); */
Cls( );
while (4711)
/* Remember to keep LSIZE as an exponential of 2 as the */
/* following won't work else. Instead of checking if v */
/* and w are out of range I 'AND' them with LSIZE-1. */
/* This will always keep them in range, because the */
/* binary representation of LSIZE-1 contains only 1's */
/* and as long as w and v are smaller than LSIZE-1 they */
/* will be unchanged, but if they get larger they'll */
/* start again from a low value (not necessarily 0 as */
/* in the previous version, so this is a small bug-fix */
/* as well as a speed-up) */
vx = (vx + sx) & LSIZE - 1;
vy = (vy + sy) & LSIZE - 1;
vz = (vz + sz) & LSIZE - 1;
wx = (wx + sx) & LSIZE - 1;
wy = (wy + sy) & LSIZE - 1;
wz = (wz + sz) & LSIZE - 1;
/* After each multiplication I'll get something of the */
/* size fak^2, so I have to shift the values back to */
/* something proportional to fak. Note that I get rid */
/* of the divisions this way. */
e1[0] = -sinT[wz] * sinT[wx] >> fe;
e1[1] = sinT[vz] * sinT[wx] >> fe;
e1[2] = sinT[vy] * sinT[vx] >> fe;
e2[0] = -sinT[wz] * sinT[vx] >> fe;
e2[1] = sinT[vz] * sinT[vx] >> fe;
e2[2] = -sinT[vy] * sinT[wx] >> fe;
e3[0] = sinT[vz] * sinT[vy] >> fe;
e3[1] = sinT[wz] * sinT[vy] >> fe;
e3[2] = sinT[wy];
/* I am using the temp-variable because else I would */
/* have gotten something proportional to fak^3 and */
/* fak wouldn't have to be that large to make this an */
/* integer overflow. */
temp = -sinT[vz] * sinT[wy] >> fe;
temp = temp * sinT[vx] >> fe;
e1[0] = e1[0] + temp;
temp = -sinT[wz] * sinT[wy] >> fe;
temp = temp * sinT[vx] >> fe;
e1[1] = e1[1] + temp;
temp = sinT[vz] * sinT[wy] >> fe;
temp = temp * sinT[wx] >> fe;
e2[0] = e2[0] + temp;
temp = sinT[wz] * sinT[wy] >> fe;
temp = temp * sinT[wx] >> fe;
e2[1] = e2[1] + temp;
/* Saving adds is also useful, at least for objects */
/* with many corners. What I have done is to use the */
/* symmetry of the corner's coordinates in the cube. */
/* If you look at the previous versions you'll easily */
/* see that the following holds. */
for ( i=0; i<DIM; i++ )
cube[0][i] = e1[i] + e2[i] + e3[i];
cube[1][i] = e1[i] - e2[i] + e3[i];
cube[2][i] = e1[i] - e2[i] - e3[i];
cube[3][i] = e1[i] + e2[i] - e3[i];
cube[4][i] = - cube[1][i];
cube[5][i] = - cube[2][i];
cube[6][i] = - cube[3][i];
cube[7][i] = - cube[0][i];
/* Division is one of the slowest operations you can */
/* perform, so you can do almost whatever it takes to */
/* get rid of them. My solution was to precalculate all */
/* possible divisions and put them in a table. Again */
/* using integer math I have to shift the values back */
/* to something proportional to fak. */
/* Also see COMMENTS on this subject. */
for ( i=0; i <CORNERS; i++ )
v[i][0] = cube[i][0] * divT[ RSIZE/2 -
cube[i][2] ] >> fe;
v[i][1] = cube[i][1] * divT[ RSIZE/2 -
cube[i][2] ] >> fe;
/* If you want to have any sidelenght you want you can */
/* do the scaling as follows. But then you'll have to */
/* do a lot of mulsing and that's BAD for speed. So, */
/* what you might do instead is to play with the */
/* shift-value (fe). */
/* Anyhow, here is where I scale everything back down */
/* to it's ususal proportions, scale * v[][] is prop to */
/* scale * fak and therefore I have to shift the result */
/* to get a 'normal' (~1) value. */
for ( i=0; i<CORNERS; i++ )
v[i][0] = scale * v[i][0] >> fe;
v[i][1] = scale * v[i][1] >> fe;
/* Instead of using Cls( ) or ClearSOb( ) I now use a */
/* a function that clears a rectangle around the cube. */
/* I also removed some of the SetCol( )'s to save time. */
/* */
/* BUG: ClearArea( ) should be perspective-sensitive */
/* as the following won't work if depth = 3. */
ClearArea( x, y, a, b );
if ( e1[ DIM-1 ] > num )
DrawSolid( v[0][0], v[0][1], v[1][0], v[1][1],
v[2][0], v[2][1], v[3][0], v[3][1], x, y );
if ( e1[ DIM-1 ] < -num )
DrawSolid( v[4][0], v[4][1], v[5][0], v[5][1],
v[6][0], v[6][1], v[7][0], v[7][1], x, y );
SetCol("cornflower blue");
if ( e2[ DIM-1 ] > num )
DrawSolid( v[0][0], v[0][1], v[3][0], v[3][1],
v[4][0], v[4][1], v[5][0], v[5][1], x, y );
if ( e2[ DIM-1 ] < -num )
DrawSolid( v[1][0], v[1][1], v[2][0], v[2][1],
v[7][0], v[7][1], v[6][0], v[6][1], x, y );
if ( e3[ DIM-1 ] > num )
DrawSolid( v[0][0], v[0][1], v[1][0], v[1][1],
v[6][0], v[6][1], v[5][0], v[5][1], x, y );
if ( e3[ DIM-1 ] < -num )
DrawSolid( v[3][0], v[3][1], v[2][0], v[2][1],
v[7][0], v[7][1], v[4][0], v[4][1], x, y );
Exit( );
return 0;
/* In the released versions I have chosen to use the simple standard */
/* way of doing rotation, i e using a 3D-rotation-matrix. I tried to */
/* optimize the code as well as possible and in the same time make it */
/* asm-friendly. I wish there were some way of optimizing the drawing */
/* routines. One way of doing this would be to use Double Buffering, */
/* but I haven't got a clue of how to do that under X. So, if anyone */
/* feel up to it, include multibuf.h and start coding (it sure would */
/* be nice to get rid of that flicker). */
/* Time to calculate the number of operations I use in the main loop */
/* */
/* 48 multiplications */
/* 46 adds and subs */
/* 48 shifts (each 13 times) */
/* 6 ands */
/* 6 compares */
/* x drawing stuffs */
/* */
/* I bet there are loads of better algorithms than mine out there, but */
/* I hope I have given you a clue of how things are done. */
/* */
/* First, use another algorithm to generate the location of the three */
/* unit-vectors. Using three 2D-transformations you will get down to */
/* 12 muls instead of my 16 in that part. Another way of doing it is by */
/* using spherical coordinates: x = rsin(s)cos(t) */
/* y = rsin(s)sin(t) */
/* z = rcos(s) */
/* If you just figure out how the different s and t's for the different */
/* vectors are connected during rigid rotation this will get you down */
/* to 6 muls ( 2/vector ). Yet other ways of doing rotation are by */
/* using Quaternations, Bresenham's algorithms or the Cayley-Klein */
/* Parameters. Some of these might even give further improvement. */
/* Another improvement can be achieved using log- and */
/* exponential-tables. Multiplications can then be replaced with some */
/* adds and table lookups. This is done as follows: */
/* a = b * c / d = e^(log(b) + log(c) - log(d)) */
/* and this is a better way than using a division-table. */
/* Speaking of the division-table, it might also be improved somewhat. */
/* If you print the values of divT[] you'll notice that many of the */
/* values are duplicates, this is because we don't shift the values */
/* enough to notice the difference between some values. So, what you */
/* might do is to make another table containing only every fourth value */
/* of divT[], this way you'll save alot of memory as the size of divT[] */
/* is reduced by a factor of 4. When using the new table, call it */
/* div4T[], replace divT[ something ] with div4T[ (int) something/4 ] */
/* and it should work properly. */
/* The ideas presented above has been given almost no thought at all, */
/* so I will note take any responsibility if something shouldn't work. */
void DrawSolid( short x1, short y1,
short x2, short y2,
short x3, short y3,
short x4, short y4,
unsigned short ox,
unsigned short oy )
mypoints[0].x = ox + x1;
mypoints[0].y = oy + y1;
mypoints[1].x = ox + x2;
mypoints[1].y = oy + y2;
mypoints[2].x = ox + x3;
mypoints[2].y = oy + y3;
mypoints[3].x = ox + x4;
mypoints[3].y = oy + y4;
XFillPolygon(dpy, win, gc, mypoints, PTS,
Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
void ClearArea( unsigned short ox, unsigned short oy, unsigned a, unsigned b )
XFillRectangle(dpy, win, gc, ox - a, oy - a, b, b);
void SetCol( char * str )
if (XParseColor (dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy,scrn), str, &xcolour))
if (XAllocColor (dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy,scrn), &xcolour))
xgcvalues.foreground = xcolour.pixel;
XChangeGC (dpy,gc,GCForeground, &xgcvalues);
void Cls( void )
XClearWindow(dpy, win);
void Init( void )
if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay (NULL)))
fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open display.\n");
scrn = DefaultScreen(dpy);
xsetwattrs.backing_store = Always;
xsetwattrs.background_pixel = BlackPixel(dpy,scrn);
pixel = WhitePixel(dpy,scrn);
win = RootWindow(dpy,scrn);
gc = XCreateGC (dpy, RootWindow(dpy,scrn),0,NULL);
void WinInit( int ox, int oy, unsigned a, unsigned b )
win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,scrn),
ox-a, oy-a, b, b, 0,
WhitePixel(dpy,scrn), BlackPixel(dpy,scrn));
XMapWindow(dpy, win);
void Exit( void )
XFlush (dpy);